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Current affairs afternoon Supreme Court Judiciary
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Current affairs afternoon Supreme Court Judiciary

Banning Opleidingen and the Cassation section are organizing a Current Affairs Afternoon of the Supreme Court of the Judiciary on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

During this afternoon you will be guided by Katrien van Stratum en Marc Janssen updated on developments in the jurisprudence of the High Council. Together they will provide the general part of the afternoon on civil procedural law, after which Katrien van Stratum will give a workshop on recent decisions of the Supreme Court in the field of personal and family law (particularly matrimonial and relationship property law) and Marc Janssen on contract law. When you register, you can indicate which workshop you wish to attend.

Participation in this current affairs afternoon will result in 2 PO points. You will receive a certificate from our NOvA recognized training institute Banning Opleidingen.

For whom?

This current affairs afternoon is specially intended for lawyers who specialize in personal and family law and in contract and procedural law and who want to be further informed about recent judgments of the Supreme Court.


The current affairs afternoon will be held on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at our office in 's-Hertogenbosch at Spinhuiswal 2.


3:30 p.m.:  Reception
4:00 p.m.:  Plenary session
5 p.m.:  Start workshops
6 p.m.:  Closing with drinks

Sign in

You can register here  Register, where you can also indicate which workshop you wish to attend. Participation is free of charge and you will receive parking information in your confirmation email.


Of course, there will be every opportunity to ask questions this afternoon. If you have any questions in advance, you can send them to opleidingen@banning .nl. For other questions, please contact Maartje van den Hoogen (073 – 692 76 72).


  • Cassatie