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Pension Law

Pensions are in the spotlight, but they are also becoming increasingly complex. Meanwhile, the legal issues are so complex that only truly specialized lawyers can work in this field. While for most people it is not clear what happens 'under the hood', for them it is very important that the 'car keeps running': after all, the pension is an important provision for old age. Also, after salary, pension is the most expensive employment condition for employers. Our lawyers have the necessary specialist knowledge to take your pension questions and concerns off your hands. Some of these include:

Retirement binds employers and employees together throughout their lives. This begins when the employment contract is entered into ("Is an employer obliged to offer a pension agreement?"), continues when the pension plan is changed ("Should the works council be consulted?") and, in fact, never ends ("What obligations does an employer have towards former employees?"). The lawyers of the Labor Law Section advise and litigate for employers and employees about the amount of the pension, indexation or value transfer, unpaid premiums or (the intention to) adjust the pension plan, for example as a result of new legislation.

As an employer, you may have to deal with a compulsory pension fund. If your company carries out activities in a sector in which such a pension fund applies, you are obliged to join this pension fund, with all the (financial) consequences this entails. Due to developments in the financial markets in recent years, there is a lot of pressure on pension funds to increase the number of affiliated companies as much as possible. We investigate for you whether your company is actually covered by such a pension fund and how affiliation can be avoided, for example by applying for an exemption.

Our lawyers assist not only employers and employees, but also, for example, implementing authorities and advisors or intermediaries on Wft and duty-of-care issues.