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Protecting creativity, innovation and originality

Maintaining exclusivity of your trademark requires effective enforcement of your IP rights.

The attorneys at Banning Lawyers understand that the trade in counterfeit products is detrimental to your brand. The trade in counterfeit products not only reduces your sales but also allows third parties to piggyback on investments in your brand. In addition, it damages your brand's reputation. After all, consumers may falsely attribute the inferior quality of counterfeit products to your brand. Moreover, counterfeit products can pose an immediate danger to consumers, as these products often do not comply with the safety regulations in force in the European Union.

The attorneys at Banning Lawyers specialize in intellectual property law and are experienced in the field of anti-counterfeiting. We have years of experience in assisting national and international companies, with a specific focus on fashion. Based on our experience, we can protect your brand in an effective and cost efficient manner. Among our services are:

  • Active detection of online trade in counterfeit products;
  • Trademark protection out of court, including sending summons letters of abstention and conducting negotiations with infringers;
  • Conductingcivil litigation, including summary proceedings and proceedings on the merits;
  • Handling customs seizures, liaising with customs and reporting the trafficking of counterfeit products to the police.

We would be happy to discuss with you how we can be of service in combating the trade in counterfeit products. Please feel free to contact us without obligation.