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Divorce and family mediation

The decision to separate is always difficult and hurts. Your paths separate and this includes new agreements about finances, children, contents, house and other practical matters. If you have chosen together to go through a divorce mediator, chances are that the process will be careful and respectful for both parties. Under the guidance of a divorce mediator, (prospective) ex-partners can come to mutual agreements about the consequences of the divorce or termination of cohabitation. Mediation can also be used after a divorce in case of differences of opinion (for example, about the amount of alimony or changes in the care arrangement). The mediator brings the parties together and guides them in finding a solution.

How does divorce mediation work?

Divorce mediation is ideally suited for soon-to-be ex-partners who want to settle the consequences of their divorce by mutual agreement. Under the guidance of the mediator, they hold discussions with each other. During these talks, the mediator helps the parties reach agreements they can agree on together by informing them about the legal possibilities and their rights and obligations. In addition to the legal side of the case, the mediator also considers any underlying (emotional/relational) problems. Parties are thus supported in breaking through patterns in mutual communication that stand in the way of reaching a solution. Mediation can therefore contribute to restoring or improving mutual understanding and/or communication. This is in contrast to proceedings, which often backfire.

A successful mediation leads to the signing of a document (called a covenant) containing the agreements made by the parties. With the help of this covenant, the judge can pronounce the divorce without a costly and time-consuming legal procedure. The advantage of our mediators is that they are also all lawyers and have successfully completed the specialization training of the Association of Family and Inheritance Lawyers Divorce Mediators (vFAS). This means that they can guide and advise you throughout the entire process, including legal matters, and also take care of drafting the covenant with parenting plan and filing the divorce petition with the court.

For more information about the mediation method, please visit the Verder-Online website.

Collaborative divorce

Collaborative divorce is a special form of mediation and is suitable for partners who wish to separate and settle their affairs in a respectful manner under expert guidance. For each other and for the children. With clear and future-proof agreements as a result. This is also possible for partners who are not married. In a collaborative divorce, both parties have their own lawyer. This feels familiar and provides the necessary balance at the table that is sometimes not present in mediation led by one mediator. In addition, the parties are guided together by a coach and (if desired) a financial expert. In short: the prospective ex-partners are assisted by a multidisciplinary team that guides them in making the agreements, each from his or her own expertise. The professionals on the team constantly focus on finding solutions. Even for those difficult issues that you can no longer resolve together. We know from experience that there is very little chance that a lengthy court procedure will be necessary. Litigation is costly, slows down and regularly causes a major breach of trust.

On behalf of our firm, Marc van Opstal and Agnes van Wieren are members of the Association of Collaborative Professionals (VvCP). On the website of the VvCP you can find more information about this unique way of divorce. There you can also read the experiences of others.