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Liability, Disputes & Proceedings

Every business runs the risk of facing damages. The basic principle is that each party bears its own damages, unless another party is liable for the damages.

Agreements on the division of liability and risks can be laid down in a contract. In addition to contractual agreements made, companies should act with care and take into account requirements of reasonableness and fairness. Specific standards of care may also apply. For example, doctors, lawyers, accountants, brokers and insurance brokers, among others, must adhere to specific standards of care. Furthermore, manufacturers, importers and traders, for example, run the risk of being held liable for defective products.

Our lawyers also frequently litigate disputes concerning, among other things, the formation, interpretation or performance of commercial contracts.

If litigation or proceedings are unavoidable, you can call upon the expertise of our lawyers. They can advise you on your position and possibilities, such as levying an attachment and initiating summary proceedings. It is important to realize that procedural law has many fatal (and sometimes short) deadlines.

It is important to choose a litigation strategy that suits your problem or situation. Our lawyers have a great deal of experience when it comes to litigation, both at courts of law, courts of appeal and the Supreme Court. National in international arbitration is also part of the working area of our (litigation) lawyers.

Good litigation starts in almost all cases with a clear exposition of the facts, even if these are extensive or complex. In all cases, the extensive litigation experience of our lawyers is combined with a thorough knowledge of the area of law being litigated. In addition, lawyers from other sections are regularly involved in proceedings because of their specialist knowledge.