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External Confidential Advisor

We are pleased to offer you the service of the External Confidential Advisor.

The Confidential Advisors

Debby Hermans is a certified External Confidential Advisor.

Debby has gained a lot of experience in cases of transgressive behaviour, integrity issues and the role of the Confidential Advisor.

The appointment of a Confidential Advisor is part of an employer's occupational health and safety policy: the employer must ensure a safe working environment and has a policy to prevent Psychosocial Workload (PSA). An important effect of deploying the Confidential Advisor is de-escalation. Conflicts and procedures, and therefore absenteeism and unrest within the organisation, can thus be prevented.

The Role and Tasks of an External Confidential Advisor

The work that Debby can do for your organisation as an External Confidential Advisor is as follows:

Receiving, guiding and advising complainants/reporters.

Complainants/reporters can contact the Confidential Advisor with undesirable behaviour (discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying and aggression/violence) or integrity issues (suspicions of abuse, fraud, abuse of power, etc.) in the workplace.

The Confidential Advisor offers relief and a listening ear, discusses possible solutions (conversation, mediation, complaints procedure, referral, etc.), where de-escalation of the conflict is paramount.

Everything discussed with the Confidential Advisor is strictly confidential. The Confidential Advisor has an internal right of confidentiality.

Educate, inform and inspire the organisation
The Confidential Advisor informs employees and managers about the role and tasks of the Confidential Advisor. Topics such as undesirable behaviour and integrity in the workplace can be discussed by the Confidential Advisor.

The purpose of this information is to increase the findability of the Confidential Advisor and to reduce the threshold for employees to contact the Confidential Advisor if something arises.

Solicited and unsolicited advice to the board and management and contribution to the annual report
Based on the code of conduct/protocols applicable within the organisation and any reports, the Confidential Advisor can give advice on the policy to be pursued in the field of undesirable behaviour and integrity.

Every year, the Confidential Advisor makes an anonymous report containing an overview of the reports that have been made. This report is discussed with management.

Draw up code of conduct, complaints procedure, etc.
For an employer, it is important to lay down the norms and values that apply within the organisation in an employer-specific code of conduct. This sets frameworks for employees. A code of conduct does not only contain prohibitions; it also clarifies: how do we (do) deal with each other here?

With a complaints procedure, employees are given an opportunity to formally discuss and settle an unsatisfactory situation internally. It gives the employer a chance to clear up any misunderstandings. In addition, a grievance procedure contributes to the fair treatment of the complaint.

For more information, please refer to the website of the external Confidential Advisor.