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Banning Lawyers advised Protix on the investment by Rabo Corporate Investments (Rabo Participations B.V.) in Protix

Cliënte: Protix Advocaat: mr. J.M. (Jan-Berend) Möller Transactiedatum: 19/12/2019

Banning Advocaten recently assisted Protix B.V. (hereafter Protix) in its investment by Rabo Corporate Investments (Rabo Participations B.V.) in Protix. Protix is a company focused on verifiable and scalable insect breeding. Protix aims to make the food chain more sustainable by breeding the black soldier fly and using its larvae as a unique source of protein for food and feed! With high-tech solutions, artificial intelligence and genetic improvement programs and robotics, Protix brings the food chain back into balance with nature.