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The Dutch manufacturing industry has many sub-sectors, located in various regions and economic centers of the country. Despite the diversity, there are characteristics common to the entire manufacturing industry. Conjunctural developments (raw material prices, taxation), political shifts (boycotts) and social developments (labor vs. robots) are facets that every entrepreneur in the manufacturing industry has to deal with. Not to mention innovation and the rapid developments of technology. Every entrepreneur has to deal with these developments, regardless of whether they focus on engineering, design, pharmaceuticals, chemical processes or industrial applications.

Developments within the manufacturing industry

Within the Dutch manufacturing industry, but certainly also internationally, we see some important developments that will undoubtedly have an impact on your business. These include the increasing demands for sustainable business, the drive for innovation, new emerging markets, new (disruptive) parties in the market, changes in the supply chain, changes within personnel management and the increase in (vertical) partnerships.

Our expertise

Our specialists assist companies in the manufacturing industry. Our experience enables us to translate the developments and customs within the industry into our legal support. As a firm based in Brabant, we are pre-eminently familiar with the strengths of the regional and Dutch manufacturing industry. Because of our international focus, we can also advise Dutch companies well on doing business abroad (such as production and sales in Asia). This knowledge teaches us that developments are not isolated but can affect your entire company: joint venture structures, operational optimization through reorganizations, mergers and setting up (national or international) business units, protection of products and innovation (intellectual property), international regulations, (foreign) labor force/posting, transfer pricing and other tax advice. As a strategic partner, we think ahead and anticipate market developments together with you and your company, now and in the future. Our combined legal, tax and notarial services offer added value.

With us, you are assured of professional manufacturing support. Please contact our specialists to receive more information or to schedule an informal meeting.