
Freezing Assets in the Netherlands (2): Basic principles

Geschreven door Admin | 18-nov-2021 5:00:00

In the Netherlands, it is relatively easy for creditors to seize assets. If you feel you have a legitimate claim, and you can locate assets in the Netherlands or the EU, it may be worthwhile to ask Dutch courts permission to seize or freeze these assets. You will put pressure on your debtor - and make sure in the end - your claim is paid.

As explained in our previous blog, the Netherlands allows creditors to seize various types of assets through a pre-trial freezing order or conservatory order. Depending on the type of asset seized, different legal rules may apply. However, in general, the Dutch jurisdiction makes the freezing of assets quick, cheap and very straightforward. Underpinning the legal rules that apply to the specific types of seizures, there are a number of basic principles and general requirements applicable to each category of asset.


A number of general conditions has to be met, in order to obtain a freezing injunction form a Dutch judge. Please bear in mind that in practice, many assets can be seized; the procedure is normally ex parte, meaning the debtor is unaware his assets might be frozen; and the success rate is generally high. Certainly in an international perspective, Dutch judges appear willing to grant requests for freezing injunctions, as long as these are properly substantiated.

Legitimate claim

The creditor must present a plausible contractual or non-contractual claim. Although it is not required to set out and detail every (sub-)argument of a certain case, the creditor must present the facts and a summary overview of the arguments back and forth. The plaintiff must explain why the seizure is necessary to secure the claim.

Written request

You will require a Dutch lawyer to file a written request with a Dutch court. This can normally be done within a few days. The application contains an ex parte request to the Dutch judge to allow the creditor to unilaterally freeze the debtor’s assets. It will include inter alia: (i) details identifying the applicant;, (ii) details identifying the debtor; (iii) the nature of the freezing injunction; (and) (iv) the legal rules invoked by the applicant.

Statement of reasons and evidence

The creditor must present an accurate description of the claim and its legal basis, or a description of the goods supplied or services provided by him, for which the claim exists. In addition to that, evidence for the claim has to be submitted. In the case of an contractual claim, this evidence for example consist of the actual contract and the default notice(s), or the list of unpaid invoices and the demand(s) of payment. For non-contractual claims this could be any other relevant piece of evidence and the notice of liability. The debtors defence against the claim and its legal basis, if known, should alsobe indicated.

Additional information

Since the judge must have all information that can possibly be relevant to assess the application, the applicant is obliged to provide information about all the current and past procedures that are relevant for a proper assessment of the case. This for example includes previously submitted seizure applications.

Termination of a seizure

The judge who has granted the pre-trial conservatory order in a preliminary relief proceeding may terminate the seizure at the request of any interested party. In order to lift the seizure, the interested party must for example demonstrate that the claim is insufficiently substantiated or even false. This may be the case when the claim does not exist or has expired. Another way to terminate a seizure is to secure and the claim for the creditor by offering sufficient collateral instead of the assets seized (e.g. a bank guarantee).

As a major Dutch law firm, we’re to help. Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact one of our specialists Henk Brat or Matthijs Steenpoorte.